"I had five incredible years in San Diego, where I grew up trying to play in the major leagues and be a Padre," Gonzalez said. "But my second dream was to be a Red Sox and so I'm very excited ... to start this new phase." Gonzalez, donning a Boston jersey without a number, said the Red Sox have always been his favorite American League team, in part because of Boston icon and Hall of Famer Ted Williams - like Gonzalez, Williams was a left-hander and San Diego native. "I look forward to a lot of world championships. I'm very excited to be in Boston and ready to beat the Yanks." -Adrian Gonzalez
This is such a bunch of horseshit. "My second dream was to be a red sox", Are you kidding me??! How are we supposed to believe this crap. Not only do you shove hometown pride aside and take the money elsewhere, but then you also have the nerve to then throw these lies right back in our faces in order to please the A-holes of Boston. Talk about throwing salt in the wound.

Have fun in Hell..err i mean your new home
....oh wait. Actually THIS will be your hell.

Especially since you won't be coming to visit us here in San Diego this year to receive your verbal lashings. I'm sure the fine folks in the Bronx will no doubt relay our hatred to you and make your life a living hell.
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