March 2005
My 3rd? trip to Venice. If it was indeed my third visit to the city of water then it must have been my mom's 2dozenth. If you need a reference just go count all the masks hanging on her wall.
I can distinctly remember being in Venice one time with her and my brother when it was very hot. So hot that the fan at night didn't do much to help the sleep. The fan and the open window with rattling alleyway noise all night. I can also remember watching strange Italian cartoons on the small hotel room tv and not understanding anything yet not caring because I was a kid and they were cartoons and that was good enough. If it wasn't in the middle of summer then it must have been sometime close to it. Getting chocolate chip ice cream cones in the small park area just up from St Marks. Eating them fast before they melted down. It's times and memories like that that I will remember always.
It was also what made this visit in March 2005 with my mom and sister so special. The complete opposite side of the spectrum. Venice in the sleet and snow is truly something unworldly. Almost so surreal it seems fake. Venice in the snow and cold is about as pure as the city can get. A real slow paced locals only affair. Hot chocolate for breakfast, hot pizza for lunch, and a hot furnace for cold feet at night. Riding out to the lido at night on the veporetto, the air and wind so cold off the water that my nose froze into an icicle. Still have to make it to the guggenheim one of these days.
Soon Venice will be gone..sunk below the sea and soon so will I. But even so I'll still have my memories and that's all that matters.